Saturday, February 14, 2009

Portfolio - School's Role in the Home Debate

This video was actually an assignment for my advanced documentary class at IUPUI. And funnily enough, I ended up shooting AND editing it. I wasn't expecting to shoot it for whatever reason, but it ended up being my turn. I was a little rusty with the camera. The point of the project was the shoot 2 or 3 people having a debate about something with just one camera, and then edit it to make it look more heated than it maybe actually was. It was an exercise in cutting a discussion within a group to make it more interesting and give it better structure.

This was quite a challenge to get our participants to actually debate, because they kept agreeing with each other. It was also extremely challenging to shoot with one camera. There is a lot of jumping around and timing things right, and trying to get a feel for the emotion of the scene to pull in or out of the shot.

To keep the pace going, I chose to make a lot of j-cuts. It of course simulates the feeling of moving your head back and forth as if you were sitting there watching them argue.

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